Sigma Phi Epsilon - University of Tennessee
TN Alpha Chapter
Sig Ep - UTK
TN Alpha

Social Media Connections for TN Alpha

Fraternities today, along with most other organizations and groups, are connected by social media links and content. This website is one example of how Social Media is keeping people connected long after they leave campus and begin to pursue their careers in the “real world.” However, it is not the only way we can keep in touch. Here are several examples of other ways SigEp and the Tennessee Chapter (TN Alpha) keep members informed with the latest news.

Brotherhood and networking are two very important benefits of being a fraternity member. And LinkedIn is a great place to expand your network of friends and work associates. When I first started using LinkedIn I called it “Facebook for grownups” and in many ways that still applies. The articles tend to be serious and people are there to talk about their work, mostly. Best of all you can learn a bit about a person before you connect by reading his or her profile. SigEp, both nationally and at Tennessee, has groups set up for members to contact each other. You can network for a new opportunity or just stay in touch with your brothers and make new friends.
SigEp National LinkedIn Group
TN Alpha LinkedIn Group

But LinkedIn is just one of the ways you can connect with your fellow SigEps via social media. Below are a few of the ways to communicate with the National SigEp organization and with the UTK TN Alpha chapter.

SigEp National (Official) Facebook Page
TN Alpha Facebook Page
TN Alpha Alumni Facebook Group
SigEp Blog (Unofficial)

Sigma Phi Epsilon Official (@officialsigep)
Tennessee Alpha (@TNAlpha)

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