Sigma Phi Epsilon - University of Tennessee
TN Alpha Chapter
Sig Ep - UTK
TN Alpha

We just received our official Certificate of Occupancy today at the newly renovated SigEp house at UT! The furniture is going in starting at 8:00 tomorrow morning. If you haven’t already, please mark your calendars and join us for the Ribbon Cutting ceremony on Sept. 9th – see details on our Events Calendar page.

One Response

  1. Congratulations to all the Sig Ep’s, past and future! The dedicated alumni who led the efforts in getting this house finished, from beginning to the ribbon cutting ceremony, will be forever in our memory. How about a nice write-up, with their pictures, of all the main alumni who led the efforts, starting with Andy Stallings! I can’t make it to the ribbon-cutting ceremony, but I’ll be there in spirit at least!
    Allen Elkins