Sigma Phi Epsilon - University of Tennessee
TN Alpha Chapter
Sig Ep - UTK
TN Alpha

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What is SigEp?

Parents and Friends Welcome

Justin Cowan and Mom
Justin Cowan and Mom

When your son decided to become a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp), he made one of the most important decisions of his college career. He chose an organization that is committed to his success during all of his college years.

When he joined SigEp, you became a part of his experience as well. This resource is aimed at helping you understand his involvement in our Fraternity and our goals for his college experience. Sigma Phi Epsilon’s goal is to give him the opportunities to excel in academics, leadership, athletics and social skills.

SigEp has a proud tradition of academic excellence, community service, philanthropy and campus leadership. Our Tennessee Alpha chapter strives to fulfill the mission of Sigma Phi Epsilon, which is “Building Balanced Men.” With these three words, we capture the essence of SigEp’s value to its members: charting a course for men to live their best lives by embracing our cardinal principles of Virtue, Diligence and Brotherly Love and committing to the practice of Sound Mind and Sound Body.

SigEp Quick History

SigEp was founded in 1901 on the Cardinal Principles of Virtue, Diligence and Brotherly Love. Since that time we have been leading the way in the Greek world. In 1959, SigEp was among the first to remove race restrictions to membership. In 1991, we led the way again by creating a non-pledging membership model, the Balanced Man Program (BMP), and in 2015 our undergraduates voted to adopt the program across all our chapters. At the National Grand Chapter Conclave in 2017 SigEp undergraduates enacted a policy making all our chapter facilities alcohol and substance-free by 2020.

We continue to attract members who appreciate our great heritage as a fraternity. Our members work to live up to the values and principles of our founding fathers.

Conner Clabough and Parents
Conner Clabough and Parents

What we do.

What to Expect

As your son grows throughout his college experience, we hope you will continue to be involved with his development in SigEp at Tennessee.

The Balanced Man Program is the centerpiece of the SigEp chapter experience and provides the experience that today’s student needs to be successful during and after college. The Balanced Man Program is a non-pledging, non-hazing, four-year, personal, academic, leadership and professional skills development experience.

Volunteer Support

Eric Sirface and family
Eric Sirface and family

SigEp’s Tennessee Alpha chapter is primarily focused on providing the best possible experience for our members. But as one of our Past Grand Presidents, Phil Cox, Indiana ’84, often said, “Behind every great chapter is a dedicated group of volunteers.”

Men and women who volunteer provide important support to our undergraduate SigEps, and the Tennessee Alpha chapter has a strong base of volunteers. Our volunteers provide mentorship to the undergraduate chapter leaders, engage other chapter alumni to support this endeavor and manage the assets of the AVC. They come from many walks of life and different ties to the Fraternity.

Member Safety

In August 2017, SigEp’s undergraduate legislative body took another historic step for our Fraternity. The Grand Chapter voted on and passed a resolution to effectively ban alcohol from all SigEp chapter homes.

SigEp thrives when our brothers are committed to safe and healthy living. Thanks to the support of committed parents and volunteers, thousands of young SigEp brothers will grow and develop safely. They hone lifelong skills and build friendships for life. We hope that you will discuss this with your son and ask him to be a leader in creating a positive environment on his campus.

How You Can Help

Your interest and support mean a lot to your son and to SigEp.

We are assembling a Parent’s Committee to support the chapter brothers during finals and other holidays. Contact us today to be a part of this committee – in any capacity.

The SigEp experience is life-changing when it is guided and supported by caring parents, alumni and volunteers. Thank you for making that life-changing impact possible.