Sigma Phi Epsilon - University of Tennessee
TN Alpha Chapter
Sig Ep - UTK
TN Alpha

As we approach our 100th anniversary, we are trying to gather memorabilia from our first 100 years to proudly display in the newly renovated chapter house.

If you have anything gathering dust around the house, or stored in a box in your attic, please consider giving it to the Fraternity to display in the chapter house. All items will be displayed in a locked display case to help ensure they will remain intact for many years.

We also have a need for composites from over the years. We want to hang the smaller composites in the new chapter room and would like to have as many years as possible.

Another thing we want to do is put together a video from the first 100 years of Tennessee Alpha and need photos to help with the project. If you have photos you are willing to share and want returned, just let us know and we will scan and return your originals to you. It is our hope to “unveil” the video at the 100th Anniversary celebration next April.

Please help us celebrate our history and send your items to:

Kelly Williams
1627 Lindenhall Drive
Alcoa, TN 37701
