Tennessee Alpha chartered on May 29, 1913 as a chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon. In the early fall of 1910, a small group of men at The University of Tennessee decided that the six existing national fraternities on campus did not offer the seriousness of mind and spirit nor the dedication toward excellence they desired. They formed a local fraternity, Phi Alpha Phi, and were given official status by the University. Good reports about the growth of Sigma Phi Epsilon, a visit by William L. Phillips (“Uncle Billy”), and the interest in status as a national fraternity led to Tennessee Alpha’s chartering as SigEp’s 45th chapter. Since then, over 2000 have been initiated into Sigma Phi Epsilon at Tennessee Alpha.
Sigma Phi Epsilon at Tennessee celebrated 100 years of continuous operation in April 2013. We continue to be a vital part of the University of Tennessee Greek system.
Joining Sigma Phi Epsilon will give you the chance to become a part of Tennessee Alpha’s prestigious history, as well as a leader on campus. We are proud to say that SigEps hold top offices in the most respected of campus organizations. SigEp makes college life enjoyable as well as teaching the valuable social skills needed for a successful career. Strong alumni and volunteer support provides you with contacts and mentoring opportunities in the community and across the nation. We hope you will visit us to learn more about our chapter and consider the benefits of our unique fraternity. Feel free to contact us anytime and we will be glad to discuss the opportunities of SigEp in your future.
For a history of SigEp as a National Fraternity, Click Here.